Huntington Connects

Showing 1-10 results of 133 articles matching "skills"

Teaching Children Financial Literacy as a Way to Build Practical Math Skills

Apr. 15, 2024

Before parents send their children off to college and into the real world, there are many skills they must ensure they have. One that is increasingly important, though not always top of mind, is that of financial literacy.

Effective Ways to Improve Your Student's Study Skills

Mar. 27, 2024

A student's success in school isn't just based on how well he or she can understand material; rather, academic success also depends on the effectiveness of a student's study skills.

Teaching a Child to Read for Maximum Comprehension

Mar. 14, 2024

Have you noticed that your child is capable of reading, but has trouble recalling what he or she reads, even immediately thereafter? “A few of the basics of good reading are strong decoding ability, recognition of high-frequency and irregular words, and good comprehension,” says Eileen Huntington, co-founder of Huntington Learning Center. “Without these building blocks, a child will never achieve reading fluency and will likely always struggle with reading.” Luckily, Huntington says there are a number of things parents can do to help their children better comprehend what they read. Here are several tips:

Six Signs Your Child Needs Tutoring

Mar. 08, 2024

Rarely do children sail through school from kindergarten through twelfth grade without encountering a few challenges along the way. How can you recognize a problem that requires more than just a bit of additional effort on your child’s part?

Why Mastery of Skills is Important for Young Students

Feb. 15, 2024

Mastery of skills is essential for deeper learning. Students who are encouraged to master knowledge before moving on to the next concept are inherently taught to persevere and approach learning with a growth (rather than fixed) mindset. They also build their confidence in the process.  


Sep. 27, 2023

It’s easy to tell that a child needs tutoring when he or she continues to receive one poor report card after the next, but there are a number of other less obvious signs that parents shouldn’t ignore. Eileen Huntington of Huntington Learning Center says that parents can look for clues in a number of places. “Stressful study sessions and bad grades are the tangible evidence of a child’s school struggles, but there are several other indicators to watch for,” says Huntington. “The sooner you recognize school problems, the faster you can help your child overcome any issues and boost his or her confidence.”

Why Reading Ability Affects Students in All Subjects

Aug. 11, 2023

Reading ability is essential not only for literacy development but also for learning subjects like math and science. Here are a few examples of how students rely upon their reading skills in other school subjects.

Students Can Travel ‘Anywhere’ They Want To Go with Huntington Learning Center’s 2023 Summer Reading Adventure

May. 01, 2023

Let the adventure begin! It's time to grab your passports and join Huntington for a summer-long journey where we let our imaginations run wild, and catch up on some of that reading we missed during this crazy school year. Stay on track to be reading at grade level this fall, and have FUN doing it! Reading Adventure is free and open to all families!

How to Know if Your Child Needs an IEP

Nov. 10, 2022

Many students need individualized help from time to time, but for certain students, that help might be more specific and defined by an Individualized Education Plan (IEP). The IEP is a required document for students who receive special education services.

Five Study Skills Middle Schoolers Need to Acquire and Refine

Nov. 03, 2022

What are some of the middle school study skills your student should be cultivating as they move toward high school? Here are five of the most essential.

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